News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
As US government denies biological research in Ukraine, Russia exposes network of biolabs that began during the Obama-Biden administration
The US government denies that biological research is taking place in Ukraine, yet Russia is currently exposing a network of biolabs that began during the Obama-Biden administration. Former President Barack Obama previously toured and spoke about these Ukrainian biolabs, which were set up under the humanitarian pretenses of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program. Russia’s […]
By Lance D Johnson
Disgraced CDC director uses CNN reports to conjure up COVID mandates, harming countless lives in the process
During the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) scandal, it’s obvious the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) derived many of their policies of subjugation and segregation on pharmaceutical propaganda and CNN reports. CDC director Rochelle Walensky admitted this in a recent lecture at Washington University in Saint Louis. The lecture was titled “Lessons from the Pandemic […]
By Lance D Johnson
After denying existence of US bio labs in Ukraine, Biden regime warns that Russia could release the bioweapons they contain
The Biden regime has consistently denied the existence of U.S. biolabs in Ukraine. The regime’s Ministry of Propaganda (the fact-checkers) have repeatedly “debunked” the existence of these biolabs. Anyone who questioned this narrative is swiftly labeled “a tool of Putin” or a Russian disinformation source. The truth is: The Department of Defense (DoD) built a […]
By Lance D Johnson
Why did the US embassy official website just REMOVE all evidence of Ukrainian bioweapons labs?
The official US embassy website recently REMOVED all evidence of bio-labs in Ukraine. These bio-labs are funded and jointly operated by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The laboratory documents were public knowledge up until February 25, 2022. These documents include important construction, financing and permit details for bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine. But now the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Did the CDC stage the “escaping monkeys” as a cover story for releasing the next bioweapon?
A trailer-full of nearly one hundred wild monkeys CRASHED on its route to an unidentified Centers for Disease Control (CDC) lab in the Midwest. Three of the monkeys broke free from their cages on Route 54, close to I-80 in Danville, Pennsylvania. The monkeys came in close contact with some unidentified motorists who stopped at […]
By Lance D Johnson
Dr. Fauci ran grotesque AIDS vaccine experiments on minority children in the 90s, causing organ failure, deformities, brain damage
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s quest to inoculate children with needless, immune-suppressing, heart-damaging vaccines is a repeat of his own history. A 2004 documentary film, “Guinea Pig Kids” shines a light on the cruel and inhumane medical experiments that took place on underprivileged, minority children in the early 1990s. These inhumane medical experiments were conducted on presumably […]
By Lance D Johnson
New Zealand Prime Minister proudly admits she helped create two classes of people, while holding human rights hostage
A journalist with the New Zealand Herald recently confronted Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on the government’s plan to hold the people’s freedoms hostage by punishing the “unvaccinated” and rewarding the vaccine-compliant. New Zealand has created a two-tiered society under Ardern’s watch – a society where the “unvaccinated” are barred from public life, a society where […]
By Lance D Johnson
Delusional Los Angeles officials push new rule to STARVE OUT the unvaccinated by denying them access to retail grocery stores
The Los Angeles City Council has conspired to deprive people of their basic civil liberties — their right to privacy, their right of body autonomy, their right to assemble, their right of informed consent. On August 11, the council members voted unanimously on an ordinance that seeks to STARVE OUT the unvaccinated by denying them […]
By Lance D Johnson
Bad news for the vaxxed: The official vaccine narrative IMPLODING: CDC warns that virus is evading the vaccines; masks and quarantines now required for all
For months, public health authorities told citizens that “life would not go back to normal” unless 90 percent of the population was vaccinated with experimental spike protein mRNA programs. Lockdowns were used to force people to comply with vaccine mandates. Celebrities and politicians were recruited to promote the shots on social media as the vaccine-injured […]
By Lance D Johnson
New Zealand promises to HUNT PEOPLE DOWN for not submitting to covid-19 vaccinations
Governments around the world are getting ready to HUNT PEOPLE DOWN if they do not submit to the experimental covid-19 vaccinations (and the upcoming booster shots). New Zealand’s Minister for COVID-19 Response, Chris Hipkins, is openly saying it now: The government will “go out and find you” if you “haven’t come forward.” In the interview, […]
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