The historical roots of Big Pharma are a chillingly ugly matter, as it’s been shown time and time again that …
Thanks to decades of overprescribing antibiotics, the world now has a major problem with a rising number of bacterial infections: …
On July 14, Google’s bio-lab began releasing the first batches of the 20 million bacteria-filled mosquitoes they plan to set free …
A team of researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada have successfully recreated a virus known as horsepox, which contains …
Modern science and Western medicine can certainly save your life in certain situations, and nobody should take for granted the …
Are all politicians heartfelt people who only help their countries prosper and who only protect their people from harm? Of …
Several high-ranking officials who were involved in the deadly Flint water crisis have been charged with involuntary manslaughter as prosecutors …
If you thought the Flint, MI lead poisoning was bad, it turns out that numerous communities in California are even …
When we think of environmental crimes, practices such as logging and fracking might come to mind, but some of the …
For billionaire globalist Bill Gates, becoming the world’s richest man was never enough. Since he amassed his vast fortune, Gates …
Have you ever wondered how jet airliners supply fresh air to passengers while flying at high altitudes? Everyone on board …
For most of us, the term “lead poisoning” immediately conjures up mental images of Flint, Michigan, where thousands of residents …
True science is crystal clear when it comes to witnessing and documenting what actually happens to animals who eat genetically engineered …